Monday, April 13, 2009

Another BFN

In trying-to-conceive speak, BFN means Big Fat Negative, and that's what I got again today.

My temperature is also at 98.0, which it never drops to until I'm getting my period. So I guess I'm out again this month.

I wonder why my husband and I were ever so careful about not getting pregnant. I mean, we didn't have anything to worry about. Not getting pregnant is easy; getting pregnant is hard.

I started researching reproduction endocrinologists (RE) yesterday. I was thinking that if I didn't get pregnant this cycle that I should initiate contact with one.

Something from my past keeps coming into my mind: when I was in high school, I got chlamydia from my boyfriend. He told me that he always used condoms and didn't have any STDs. I don't know how long I had the chlamydia. I was turning 16 the first time I had sex with him (the condom broke during sex), and I wasn't diagnosed until I had just turned 18. So, theoretically, I could have had chlamydia for two years, and during that time, it could have caused tubal scarring or even blockage.

But that's not all. Later, in college, I had an abnormal pap smear. The doctor said it was most likely from HVP. There wasn't an HVP test yet back then. My cells were precancerous, so they had to do a cone biopsy of my cervix. The abnormality cleared up on its own, and I haven't had an abnormal pap since. It's been 10 years now. But now I'm worried that my cervix is all messed up because of that. Again, this is because of the same boyfriend.

I did break up with him my senior year of college. Young boys don't realize the damage they cause by lying. They don't suffer because of chlamydia or HPV. Women can stand to lose the chance to ever conceive because of these STDs.

So that's why I want to see an RE. I'm worried that I can't conceive because of scarring. But I'm scared that the RE will think I'm going in to early.

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